SDD-Complicane Certificate-31-12-2024 |
RTA-Certificate Reg. 74 (5) -31-12-2024 |
Reco - Share Capital 31-12-2024 |
Investor Grievance -31-12-2024 |
Integrated Governance-31-12-2024 |
Trading Window Closure -31-12-2024 |
OutComes-29-08-2024 |
OutComes-06-09-2024 |
Outcome-14-08-2024 |
OutComes-29-08-2024 |
OutCome-16-09-2024 |
Intimation-BM-14-08-2024 |
Intimation of BM-14-11-2024 |
Reco - Share Capital 30-09-2024 |
Investor Grievance -30-09-2024 |
Reco - Share Capital 30-06-2024 |
Investor Grievance -30-06-2024 |
SDD-Complicane Certificate-30-06-2024 |
Intimation-BM-30-05-2024 |
Trading Window 31-03-2024 |
SDD-Complicane Certificate-31-03-2024 |
Reg. 7(3)-Certificate-31-03-2024 |
Investor Grievance -31-03-2024 |
Outcome-BM-29-02-2024 |
Cancelled-BM-08-02-2024 |
Reconciliation of Share Capital 31-12-2023 |
Trading Window 31-12-2023 |
Compliance Certificate 74(5)-30.09.2023-Q2 |
Trading Window-30.09.2023_Q2 |
Shareholding Pattern-30-09-2023-Q |
Board meeting intimation ayoki |
Ayoki - Trading Window June 2023 -1 st |
Ayoki_Reg 74(5) - June 2023 - 2nd |
Non-applicability of Regulation 32(1) of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 25.05.2023 |
Reg 13(3) - March 2023 |
Ayoki Board Meeting Intimation DECEMBER 2021 |